Every student will leave the public school system with the knowledge, skills, and agency to define and achieve success for themselves.
Major Wins
Summer 2018: A group of 20 DPS alumni met with school board members during the superintendent search process.
Fall/Winter 2018: Superintendent Susana Cordova requests a meeting with a group of alumni to inform her entry plan; she then raises the value of the group District-wide, asking her senior leadership to ensure more alumni voices are included in key processes.
Summer 2019: In partnership with the Denver Scholarship Foundation and funded by RootED, 150+ young DPS alumni came together to discuss their educational experiences and dream for the future via the inaugural Data and Design Lab. Matched with insight from key stakeholders and extensive work from a subset of participants, the group established their policy priorities.
Fall/Winter 2019: Our alumni share their policy priorities with Superintendent Cordova and the entirety of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT). SLT Leaders agreed to ongoing work with alumni to identify partnership opportunities and policy implementation. In response to the support, participating alumni requested help with additional training and network expansion. Thus the founding Leadership Launchpad was born.
Spring 2020: Realizing the inequitable impacts of Covid-19, 20+ alumni leaders stepped up to develop their knowledge and build their social capital. The Founding Leadership Launchpad was instituted.
Summer 2020: Ednium is born, touting a strong network of alumni, District partnerships, and an advisory board committed to the authentic development and activation of Denver's homegrown talent to make an impact on this City.
Summer 2021: DPS approves policy revision to make Financial Literacy and Cultural and Ethnic Studies a high school graduation requirement starting in the 2023-2024 school year. Ednium also creates a partnership with DPS to implement curriculum.
Winter 2021: In partnership with the district, Ednium secures $350,000 from Next Gen Personal Finance to support the district's implementation of personal financial literacy via professional development and the hiring of a Personal Financial Literacy Specialist position.